There is no fix answer to how many lessons a child needs to learn to swim.
However, it is important to remember that “water safety” is the priority and you will need to continue lessons until he or she is able to manage themselves in the water without the risk of drowning.
Only you will know your child better, and you should be honest with yourself. If your child is a fast learner, that’s great!
But if they have difficulty and is slower than others, just be patient as they may just need more time and lessons.
If they seem to lose interest, than maybe it’s best to take a break and try again in a couple of months.
Who knows making new friends, who know how to swim, may inspire them to try again so that they can spend fun times in the pool with their peers.
And lastly, always remember to create a positive environment for them to swim, make it fun and don’t put pressure on them.
Kids hate it when they are forced to learn things and this might put them off for good.
EC Swim has many packages and swim lessons for young children.
You can find out more here or sign-up for a free trial!